Details and Information:
From the East (Belfast, Camden, Rockland)
Traveling west on Route 17 out of Camden or Rockland, drive about 20 miles until you join Route 32 (17 and 32 are parallel). Then, after about four miles, turn RIGHT on Route 32 and the fairgrounds are just about 1/4 mile north
From the West (Portland, Augusta, Lewiston, Norway, Gardiner, New York)
Get to Route 17, either from Augusta by crossing the "high" bridge or from Gardiner (Exit 27 on I-95, Then Route 201 into town, cross the Kennebec, then follow Route 226). Once on Route 17, travel east. After driving about 10 miles you will get to Route 32. Turn LEFT on Route 32 and the fairgrounds are just about 1/4 mile north.
From the South (Bath, Damariscotta, Waldoboro)
Stay on Route 1 until you get to Waldoboro and the intersection of Route 32. Turn north on Route 32, continue through Jefferson and on up to where Route 32 joins Route 17, about 13 miles. Turn LEFT (west) and continue for about 4 miles to where Route 32 turns north. The fairgrounds are just about 1/4 mile north.
From the North (Bangor, Madawaska)
Drive down I-95, exit at Augusta, Western Avenue, and follow the instructions above. Or Exit I-95 at the Memorial Bridge in Waterville and get yourself over to Route 32. Drive South through Windsor (Hussey's) and the fairgrounds will appear just before you arrive at Route 17.
Camping & Lodging
Camper Information:
Ample camper hook-ups are available at $25 each for the entire event. Reserve your space when you register for the event. Payment will be expected when you check in at the event. Please make checks payable to Northeast Livestock Exposition.
Area Accommodations:
Senator Inn & Spa
284 Western Ave., Augusta
Econo Lodge Inn & Suites
390 Western Ave., Augusta
Lakeside Motel, Cabins & Marina on Cobbossee lake
Lakefront lodging three miles from Augusta exit 109
1-800-532-6892 or www.lakesidelodging.com
Andy and Sheree Wess, innkeepers
Super 8 Motel
395 Western Ave., Augusta
Quality Inn and Suites
Whitten Road, Augusta
Insurance & Health Requirements
Health, Importation and Insurance Requirements
All exhibitors with livestock at the Northeast Livestock Expo must provide proof of liability insurance with a minimum of $1,000,000.00 coverage. This could be a commercial or homeowners policy (make sure it covers livestock off of your farm) or you may contact Kathleen Pride 207-838-5727, sign up online at http://mainelivestockexhibitors.org/memberships/ or download the membership form to join the Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors ($40.00 per family, $25.00 per individual) and as a member you receive the benefit of insurance. If you join the Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors, your membership will be accepted as proof of having liability insurance.
Cattle: Must have a minimum of a 4-way respiratory (IBR, PI3, BVD I & II, BRSV) vaccination within 30 days of the sale.
Sheep: Should be vaccinated for CDT (Clostridium Perfringens Types C & D-Tetanus Toxoid). Please consult with your veterinarian.
Goats: Should be vaccinated for CDT (Clostridium Perfringens Types C & D-Tetanus Toxoid). Please consult with your veterinarian.
Health Certificates are required for all livestock entering the State. For more information on current regulations please contact the Maine Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Health & Industry, 28 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0028 Telephone: (207) 287-3701
Visit Maine.gov for complete information on importation requirements.
Sponsorship Opportunities.
We would like to invite you to join this exciting event by becoming a sponsor, which will allow us to lower our costs, and thereby insuring a greater return to the farms participating and enable us to offer an outstanding program for the youth that participate.
To discuss sponsorship opportunities contact:
Click Here
Sponsor Form:
Officers & Board of Directors.
Ann Wishart
Mitchell White
Vice President
Jess Strout
Sally Caverly
Pat Polley
Will Choate
Scott Williams
Denise Williams
Emily Williams